JimmieJ's class introduction
Hello and welcome to my blog for MLS 590 Public Discourse at North Central College! My name is Jimmie Jacobs and I am a second year graduate student in the Master of Arts in Liberal Studies program with a focus on culture and society. Graduating in 2005 from Illinois State University with a degree in Social Science Education, I have taught high school social studies at Normal Community High School (1 year), Urbana High School (1 year), and currently Waubonsie Valley High School (in my 10 th year). Over the course of my career I have taught American History, World History, World Geography, AP Human Geography, Government, Sociology, and Credit Recovery. This particular master’s program interested me because it was not a typical degree program for teachers. I was never a fan of the cohort programs that sped you through classes so you could advance on the pay scale because people seemed to not utilize the information in their actual classrooms. Admin...