Op-Ed: Young man, how can I help you?
Being raised in a military household taught me many lessons in life that I feel have made me the man I am today. During my mid-twenties, with spare time on my hands, I decided to become a mentor through Big Brothers Big Sisters. This decision would be life changing in more ways than I ever imagined. Mentoring youth in need is more than a noble cause, but rather an opportunity to provide a young boy or girl with insights and knowledge as they grow up and navigate the world. My mentoring experience partnered me with a 6 year old boy, Chris, with no father figure in his life. Male relatives were present for Chris, but his mother was seeking something different in his life. When I met both of them for the first time, I do not believe any of us were ready for the experience. I was thinking too linearly, the requirements of the program called for certain things and that was my expectation. Chris’s mother seemed to feel the same way as we wo...